Graduate in Chemistry from Ohio State University, USA and holds a Master of Science in Catalysis from the National University of Malaysia. She read Ph.D. in Catalysis at the Faculties Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix (FUNDP), Belgium.
She started her career in PETRONAS, Malaysia and became the Head of Catalysis Section for PETRONAS Research and Scientific Services Sdn Bhd from 1987 to 1995. She left the research arm of PETRONAS in good hands (1995) to venture into consultancy where she could put her extensive scientific exposure knowledge to greater use and application. She served a 3 year consultancy stint as co-partner and director in the expert field of catalysts. She then moved abroad in 1995 to become a Research Fellow in Leverhulme Centre for Innovative Catalysis, Chemistry Department, University of Liverpool, UK, where she held numerous strategic posts such as Principal Scientist, Senior Research Fellow, Course Director of MSc in Catalysis and Surface Science, Research Coordinator for Alkane (oil and gas) Activation and its Functionalization and also as the Coordinator of Research for Specialty Chemicals until 2000.