Our People

Professor Dr. Sharifah Bee Abd Hamid

Graduate in Chemistry from Ohio State University, USA and holds a Master of Science in Catalysis from the National University of Malaysia. She read Ph.D. in Catalysis at the Faculties Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix (FUNDP), Belgium.

She started her career in PETRONAS, Malaysia and became the Head of Catalysis Section for PETRONAS Research and Scientific Services Sdn Bhd from 1987 to 1995.  She left the research arm of PETRONAS in good hands (1995) to venture into consultancy where she could put her extensive scientific exposure knowledge to greater use and application.  She served a 3 year consultancy stint as co-partner and director in the expert field of catalysts. She then moved abroad in 1995 to become a Research Fellow in Leverhulme Centre for Innovative Catalysis, Chemistry Department, University of Liverpool, UK, where she held numerous strategic posts such as Principal Scientist, Senior Research Fellow, Course Director of MSc in Catalysis and Surface Science, Research Coordinator for Alkane (oil and gas) Activation and its Functionalization and also as the Coordinator of Research for Specialty Chemicals until 2000.

In 2001, University Malaya offered her an Associate Professorship and with the strong backing of the government, Prof. Dr. Sharifah Bee secured a government grant through the National Biotechnology Directorate of RM52mil to spearhead and develop a world class centre of excellence in Combinatorial Technology and Catalysis Research Centre (COMBICAT) based at University Malaya with her foresight and steel determination. COMBICAT (now known as NANOCAT, a potential NATIONAL HICOE and UM COE) was established with strong support from MOSTI and UM. She is also a member of the “Triple Helix” program organized by MIGHT, Prime Minister Department.  She is the owner of the Intellectual Property Right (IPR) at both national and international levels and has authored or co-authored hundreds of books, publications and in conference proceedings. In the last 14 years, Prof Dr. Sharifah Bee has been an active technopreneur leader and business woman. She has been our mentor and the backbone towards the incorporation of Selnolab Sdn Bhd. And now with her shared knowledge, wisdom and experiences,  we are set to drive Selnolab to scale greater heights.

Dr. Emy Marlina Samsudin

Emy Marlina Samsudin read distinction in Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), majoring in Chemical Engineering (Catalysis) from University of Malaya in August 2016. She was offered fast track in Ph.D in the field of nanotechnology from Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, University of Malaya due to her outstanding performance in her B. Eng in Chemical Engineering from University Technology of PETRONAS. She was granted scholarships, which includes MyBrain15 programme from the minister of education and PETRONAS sponsorship programme. In University of Malaya, she has supported in some high quality research work in collaborations with world ranked research institutions such as Max Planck Institute, Fritz Haber, RMIT and European Research Institute for Catalysis, ERIC. She has also worked on industrial projects such as CO2 Methanation with PETRONAS and EPCC for glove production with Hartalega.

She began her career early in 2009, holding a post as a chemical engineer in an Oil and Gas Research Laboratory, NanoC Sdn Bhd (NC). Before joining NC, she was trained at PETRONAS Refinery Melaka Sdn Bhd as a process engineer under wastewater treatment unit.

Despite the short stint, she has obtained the respect of her peers and has rapidly risen to become the head of Engineering Services in 2011.Currently, she is an advisor to NC, supporting areas such as material failure, chemical and petroleum industries. She is also one of the technical directors in NanoC Ventures Sdn Bhd (NCV), which is an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) factory for blending and supplying industrial oil. In 2017, NCV products have successfully entered the international market which includes Bangladesh and Vietnam. Her experiences enables her to possessed Oil and Gas Safety passport, Basic Offshore and Safety Induction Emergency Training (BOSIET), registered member of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) and Certified Machinery Lubricant Analyst II (MLA II). She has attended several laboratory management trainings which incudes ISO 17025. She is also active in developing patents, publications in High Impact Factor journals and participating in lectures for academicians in several universities in Malaysia. Her topics usually covers on nanotechnology, diversifying to areas such as green energy, fuel, solar, waste and catalysis. Her experience as an academician, as well as an industrial technologist, is believed to be an asset to the development of Selnolab Sdn Bhd.

Professor Dr. Gabriele Centi

Gabriele Centi is full professor of Industrial Chemistry at the University of Messina, Italy, and President of the European Research Institute of Catalysis (ERIC). Research interests are in the areas of applied heterogeneous catalysis, sustainable energy and chemical processes, and environment protection, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by catalytic technologies.

He was coordinator of the EU Network of Excellence IDECAT, Director of the section Energy and Environment of the University Consortium INSTM, and a former President of the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS).

He received the Eminent Visitor Award 2007 from the Catalysis Society of South Africa, in 2009 the Société Chimique de France French-Italian Prize for distinguished works in industrial chemistry and sustainable processes, and in 2010 the UOP 2010 lectureship and International Award F.

Durante for the activities on nanotechnology and catalysis. He is Chair of editorial board of Wiley-VCH journal ChemSusChem, Chief Editor of the Book Series Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis (Elsevier) and Green Energy (De Gruyter). He is also member of the International Committee of various scientific journals and conferences.

He published various reviews on CO2 conversion by catalytic routes, and is author of over 300 scientific publications, several communications in international conferences (over 30 plenary or invited/key-note lectures in the last 5 years), he is author/editor of 9 books of catalysis and 10 special issues of international journals. Current H-index is 76 (over 20,916 citations) with i10 index of 296.

Professor Dr. Siglinda Perathoner

Siglinda Perathoner gained her PhD in Chemical Science in 1988 working on the photophysics and photochemistry of supramolecular systems with V. Balzani and Nobel Laureate J.M. Lehn. From 2001, she joined the University of Messina and currently, she is a professor in Industrial Chemistry.

She has coordinated many EU projects in the area of nanomaterials, catalysts and sustainable chemical processes. Between the awards and recognitions, the special Awards in 2008 by “Altran Foundation for Innovation”, for the project on the development of artificial trees for the conversion of CO2, the finalist position in 2010 for the European Sustainable Chemistry Award (EuCheMS), the participation in 2011 to the “NanoInLife” movie produced from the European Commission to show to the public the results of nanotechnology. Her recent research interests include nanostructured zeolites, catalytic membranes, catalysts for waste water purification and remediation, photo (electro)catalytic conversion of CO2 and fuel cells.

She is active from over 20 years in the field of catalysis and author about 300 publications and several lectures at International Congresses, as well as co-editor of various books (between which Sustainable Industrial Chemistry and Green Carbon Dioxide: Advances in CO2 Utilization by Wiley) or special issues of international journals of catalysis. She contributed to various Handbooks and Encyclopedia, between which on “Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by catalytic processes” in Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and on “Artifical Leaves” in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Furthermore, she is co-author of several reviews on International Journals and was the chairperson of many international meetings, workshops and symposia on catalysis. Current h-index is 54 (over 10,600 citations) with i10 index of 173.

Associate Professor Dr. Ruslinda

Ruslinda binti A. Rahim received the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) majoring in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering from Waseda University, Japan in September 2012. She also received M. Eng and B. Eng degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan in 2007 and 2002, respectively.

She has been working in industrial as an engineer at Research and Development Department, Sharp-Roxy (M) Sdn. Bhd. Corporation Company from 2002 till 2005. Currently, she is a Director and Associate Professor in Institute of Nano Electronic Engineering (INEE), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP).

Her research interests include carbon-based materials on surface chemistry, DNA and protein biosensors, and nanodevices fabrication. She also active in several societies such as a board of Engineers Malaysia, Senior member of IEEE, Secretariat of Asiasense 2013, Secretariat of Malaysia-Japan Academic Scholar Conference 2012, , member of the Material Research Society (MRS), member of Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) and member of The Electrochemical Society (ECS). Her current H-index is 14 (over 446 citations).

Associate Professor Dr. Midhat Nabil Ahmad Salimi

Midhat Nabil Ahmad Salimi is a graduate in Chemical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia and holds a Master of Science in Biochemical Engineering from the University of Birmingham, UK. He read Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering also at the University of Birmingham, UK. He is an Associate Member with the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).

He started his career in Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Malaysia as a Senior Lecturer and became the Deputy Dean for The Research Management and Innovation Center (RMIC) from 2012 to 2013.  He was appointed as an Associate Professor in 2017 and now holds the position of the Coordinator for Industrial Network & Quality Management at the School of Bioprocess Engineering, UniMAP.

Prior to this, he had industrial attachment with WRK Design & Services Ltd., UK as a chemical engineering consultant with projects relating to carbon capture using the Downflow Gas Contactor (DGC) Reactor from 2008 to 2011. In term of research, he carries out researches on Nanomaterials, Supercritical Fluid Processing, Biofuel Production (Waste to Wealth), Anticancer Vectors, Microbial Gold Extraction, CO2 Capture and Early Flood Warning System. To date, he has won more than 40 award medals and special prizes at local and international research exhibitions, including the prestigious Grand Prize Award at the Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) 2017. He is actively publishing research journal papers, including in high impact and Q1 ranked journals (has more than 40 indexed research papers in his database). He has also 5 intellectual property (IP) registrations to his name until now. His current H-index is 3 (over 102 citations).

Dr. Ku Syahidah Ku Ismail

Ku Syahidah Ku Ismail is currently a senior lecturer in Universiti Malaysia Perlis. She holds a Bachelors degree and Masters of Science in Chemical Engineering from Universiti Sains Malaysia. Her PhD was obtained from Kobe University, Japan in Chemical Science and Engineering.

She started as an R&D officer in a glove manufacturing company, Shorubber (M) Sdn Bhd, Perlis to gain industrial experience and continued into academic field as a lecturer in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. She was involved in the cleanroom setup in UMP and held the position of Head of External Affairs and Industrial Training Unit.

After 2 years of service with UMP, she moved to Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) where her expertise was very much needed in developing the curriculum for the new school, School of Bioprocess Engineering.

Apart from being a lecturer, she was entrusted to be the Programme Chairman (Bioprocess Engineering), Deputy Dean (Academic and Research) and currently the Manager for the Centre of Excellence for Biomass Utilization, UniMAP.

Her area of research covers green and renewable energy, process engineering and also clean biofuel production such as hydrogen and ethanol via biological pathways. With the intention to produce biofuel, she is capable of designing the bioreactor and studying the genes function to develop a multi-stress tolerant microorganism for the bioprocessing. She secured a number of research grants amounting to RM 560 000 as the project leader and RM 1.3 million as the co-researcher. She has authored high impact research papers with more than 360 citations and supervised local and international Masters and PhD students.